Just awakened from twenty years of intrusive analysis, deep druggings, locked wards, and forced shock treatments (not necessarily in that order), Kansan David Daniels begins his journey. Outside Kingdom City, Missouri, when his car suddenly stops, it's nearly rammed by a Mercedes bus before David is ushered into a miasmic construction trailer by Ména Menachem. After the strange old Jew in biblical robing tells his delinquent granddaughter that David is the one they've been waiting for, David is prodded into divulging the story of his now-renewed life - with which Ména seems already familiar, somehow. Following dinner and lessons on spiritual immortality, Ména warns David to watch out for their common foe, a red-haired ogre called Hista who's tainted the human experience for millennia.
Picking up his parents' Cadillac in St. Louis, David drives for
Florida and once more encounters the mysterious bus called EMPIRE
EXPRESS. At a giant Georgian fireworks outlet, an unkempt Arab
tempts David with drugs, party girls, and weapons of mass destruction
- just before the joint is blown to smithereens. Shaken but unscathed,
David is offered theories of the mind by a curmudgeonly nightmaid
at the WHITE HOUSE motel.
Finally in the Land of Sunshine, David visits a friend of Menachem's,
Margot Morningstar, a voluptuous carwash girl more interested
in castrating dictators than polishing hubcaps. She too seems
to know David and invites him to her special place. The following
Tuesday, en route to the tryst, David stops at the Beverly Hills
Deli and meets Sarah Wiesenthal, an overworked waitress and survivor
of hitler's deathcamps who tells middle-aged Daniels that she's
waited so very long, that God's on David's side.
Perplexed but determined, David continues to the tundra where
Morning canters about on her bareback stallion, Hope. Clad in
loin cloth and roses, Morning reveals a bit of their common past-and
present mission. When she hints at their roots in the heavens,
on a not-so-distant planet Freedom in the Paradise starsystem,
David wonders if she's trying to push him off the deep end. Indeed,
before consummation, their interlude is disrupted by neo-nazis.
While David pursues the grizzly thugs, Morningstar vanishes. And,
after a week of hunting for the lady, just before departing dear
dixie, David finds the stallion butchered beside Margot's torched
Late the next night, on the lonely highway home, David is lured
into an Illinois truck stop and served cocainized coffee by a
gaudy dude. Easily besting the pusher Little Baghdad, David presses
northwest despite great pain, but finds no trace left of the Menachem
trailer in Kingdom City - only a discarded construction sign that
says, "Welcome to Your New West Jerusalem."
Back in Kansas, David's body continues to deteriorate while Poor
Richard's Apartment House affords little sanctuary from bill collectors.
A pine cane Moses and a message from Menachem that mankind's good
dreams will soon be realized seem to be our Renaissance man's
only salvation as he dwells in a cubby hole behind an empty bookcase
and periodically spys on a cross-eyed nazi dominatrix/bill collector.
The surgically correct fraulein and her two brothers, Brownie
and Heinie, the ones who intruded on Morning's tundra, now mean
to attach David's livelihood - his video equipment. Desperate
to personally triumph by living a few normal years before his
muscular affliction overwhelms him, David sneaks out to visit
a Kansas Attorney and sue the doctors who subdued him. Lawyer
Logan, more than sympathetic, refers Video Daniels to a Missouri
barrister, Rabbi Green. While awaiting his winter appointment
with justice, David finds solace in memories of an unrequited
love from Lincoln High and, later, his post-Marine Corps visit
to Puberty Park, Nevada, where Mr. Sam the Crippled Man's acrobatic
nieces performed under the Big Top - a magical night to remember,
a night when Mr. Sam spoke of celestial things and a Marine buddy
lost at Iwo Jima, LCPL Mathew Waters.
Returning to the Rising Star of Kansas, when a onetime nurse and
friend from the State Hospital, Big Brandy, is kidnapped by the
neo-nazis, David knows the so-called SwizzleSticks mean business.
They've already turned his favorite pool parlor into a drug house
and when it's time to visit Rabbi Green, he's diverted to the
M. Pyre Trust Building, greeted by Hista (Martin Pyre) disquised
as Father Peter Martin.
The devil only harasses David - for the time being. Good times
do come when Morningstar, having escaped her captors, reappears
as a Lenexa Policewoman and welcomes David into her arms. They
spend Thanksgiving at the Pipe Club and aboard the Hound Dog,
a casino-on-wheels where Doc Riddle finally diagnoses David's
Multiple Sclerosis. Granny Smith, proprietrix of the portable
gambling parlor, says the only reason the SwizzleNuts didn't bother
David for two decades was because he posed no threat with a drugged
Christmas eve, Morningstar suddenly tells David he's LCPL Waters
reborn, and she runs away to Hope, Arizona. David is left to ride
Blind Herbie's moped to St. Louis for the holidays; the Pyre Patrol
has impounded his Chevy. Following his nephew's graduation from
Lincoln High where David discovers Granny was really his English
Teacher and Menachem his wrestling coach, David befriends one
Coleen Baxter whose been processing his dad's memoirs. Amidst
a game of eight-ball betwixt David and his father, Raymond O.
Daniels, P.U., Granny arrives from Kansas with April Butler and
bad news. Big Brandy bought the farm big time.
Granny leaves her Super Stock Dodge, Proud Mary, for David's return
to Kansas and April stays in St. Louis to ride back with him.
The next day, when David escorts his sister Victoria and niece
Kimble to the Fox Theatre, April and Coleen come along. At intermission,
they encounter Granny's biker friends from the coast, movie stars
Sly, Paco, and Kitty Sunshine Frank. Taking the helm of Sunshine's
Harley, David leads the rat pack to O'Grady's Grill. Much later
that night, Miss Frank and David (who's now barely able to walk,
much less copulate), spend a dreamy, healing night in the Connell
Cabin on Mt. Olive - where David was born two days after the end
of WW II. In the morning, they rendezvous with the others at David's
parents' house. Right after Sunshine reveals she's the reincarnation
of Anne Frank and that Morningstar's her older sister, Margot
Frank, the house explodes. Miraculously, a roll call shows no
Scrambling from the rubble to battle beelzebub on his own turf,
David crawls into Proud Mary and speeds west - with the SwizzleTurds
in tight tow. Beside a Columbia, Missouri, abortion clinic, David
engages the Schicklgruber Triplets in a fierce firefight. With
Granny's Uzzi, he slays Brownie and Heinie. But Hista arrives
in a chopper with David's parents and talks David into surrendering
his weapon to Lenore. Then the Empire Express bus shows up with
M. Pyre's geriatric followers ready to lynch David from atop their
coach. Before the devilish deed is accomplished, though, David
commands Herr Hista to kill himself - and to everyone's surprise,
he raises Luger to head, and does it! The mob wants to let David
go, but Lenore is obsessed; she says she wants to see if he's
really the one the Jews have awaited so long. As the sky thunders
and snaps with lightning, she crunches the bus into gear.
Dropping to the end of the rope, David suddenly spots a piercing
light and follows it with Judah Maccabee on an allegorical journey
through time and space. They raise the dead of disasters past
and witness the souls of six million Jews lead the way to Heaven,
ultimately lifting with every other oppressed people from the
lifeless stacks of all the world's dead reiche. During the biblical
voyage, adolph hitler is judged at last, sent to hell with six
meat hooks in the back of his neck forever. Their cleansing of
the world done in a matter of days, David and Judah rest beside
their caisson in an open field.
When Daniels awakes, however, he's back in Kansas with Morningstar,
Sunshine, Menachem, and Mr. Sam. David's been unconscious since
lightning struck his hanging tree to save his life. The Cold War
is history; Granny says peace, freedom, and prosperity are growing
everywhere. Thus, David Daniels comes to savor his days in the
sun, at this place, in our time; so the tale is told.
end synopsis