"Dedicated to Art, Free To All, and Nothing for Sale" 11.11.14 Added 38 New Drawings
"Eye sees it; I paint it." |
Early Light" |
"Purple Mountains Majesty" |
And here are quite a number of drawings we've done. All of them were done in our car while out at Forest Park in St. Louis.
"My Boy Sparky," |
Julia Roberts | George C. Scott |
Cindy Crawford | Rene Russo |
Audie Murphy |
of Liverpool |
Jan. 2001 |
"L. A. Confidential" |
Loretta Young of "The Loretta Young Show" | Richard Gere of "An Officer and a Gentleman" |
.youguys@originaldo.com |
©2005 Richard, Sparky, and Pip Krause This sight cointains the fruits of our labors for quite some time. Please visit, browse, scrutinize, read, download and distribute freely, if not for profit. And tell your friends to pay us a visit.